Herside Story, by Hare Squead The new hip-hop trio from Ireland, recently released their latest track ‘Herside Story’, for all those reminiscing summer. Although they may attract an audience with an ‘acquired taste’, as evidenced below, they nonetheless are moving up […]
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This is Insanity Radio, Its Saturday the 26th November
Parish considers selling ageing churches to build new ones to better serve the local community The Catholic parish of Egham has calculated that it would need 1.3 million pounds to bring its two churches, Our Lady of the Assumption and […]
Hallucinating, by Elohim The upcoming electro-pop artist from L.A, Elohim (‘God’ in Hebrew), brings a very unique style of music to the table. With a warm, intoxicating feel of synth-pop, dreamy vocals and electric beats, ‘Hallucinating’ brings a rollercoaster of imaginings. […]
This is Insanity Radio, its Thursday the 24th November
Surrey County Council are facing the High Court in a recycling battle. The council imposed charges for the dumping of non-household waste at recycling centres. Facing these charges Surrey residents could take the council to the High Court as they […]
GAME REVIEW: Killing Floor 2
Background Killing Floor, when it was initially released back in its mod form in 2005, was a very simple game. You and a group of friends would shoot zombie-like creatures. Over time, it evolved and in some ways become the […]
GAME REVIEW: Battlefield 1
Background What Battlefield 1 succeeds at doing is something of a common thread among gaming in this current year. That is, to focus on a certain element that is core to the franchise and build the game around this idea. […]
This is Insanity Radio, Its Thursday the 17th November
Surrey County Council’s plans to permanently switch off street lights in residential areas throughout Surrey has caused concern amongst locals. The decision was made by the Council to save an estimated £210,000 a year however the ‘Shine A Light’ campaign […]
33 “GOD” by Bon Iver Bon Iver’s third album ’22, a million’, released on the 30th of September, consists of drums, horns and eccentric sounds that build into an intriguing aesthetic sound. A few members of the music team reviewed one […]
GAME REVIEW: Dishonored 2
Background When the original Dishonored back in 2012 was released it appeared to have failed a gap that was missing in the video game marketing: a stealth game that can make the importance of choice ever present and a key […]
GAME REVIEW: Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare
Background Call of Duty Infinite Warfare is something of an odd ball. At times, it tries to be a new wave for Call of Duty that tries to rekindle that fire that gave its juggernaut status back when Call of […]
GAME REVIEW: Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade
Background Ever since THQ collapsed the Warhammer 40k licence has been used by several companies with some games making amazing entires, such as Battlefleet Gothic, and some making somewhat less than stellar games, such as Warhammer 40,000: Storm of Vengeance, […]
One Sentence Review: ‘Warm’ by Becky Hill Gemma: Unusual intro, but a good unusual. Charlie: Good production/backing. Megan: Interesting beat and a cool voice. Ije: Infection melody, synth reminds me of Wildfire by SBTBKT Phoebe: Strange intro but once it […]